E-Gift Card


Bentley Lane Creations E Gift Card

Not sure EXACTLY what to get your friend or loved one from my shop? There’s so many things they may like, but what do they REALLY want?  Send your loved one this E gift card certificate and give them the power of choice! They will have hundreds of beautiful products to choose from.

This listing is for an E gift card certificate that can only to be used in the Bentley Lane Creations shop.

At checkout you will enter the email address for the recipient and you will have the opportunity to leave a special message for them.  You can choose at that time to have it sent to your personal email instead so that you can print it out and place it in a card or forward to them on your own.

After purchase is complete, you will receive an email letting you know that the E Gift card has been delivered along with a copy of your paid invoice.

Please note the Terms & Conditions of this gift certificate:

*Redeemable only at Bentley Lane Creations shop at bentleylanecreations.com
*Cannot be exchanged for any kind of money in part or full.
*If lost, this gift certificate can not be replaced.


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